Wednesday, August 01, 2007

In a Rush...

Posted by ria.patria at 1:41 AM

In A Rush

by Blackstreet

It came over me in a rush

when I realized that i love you so much

that sometimes i cry

but I cant tell you why

why I feel what i feel inside

how I try to express

whats been troublin' my mind

but still I cant find the words

but I know that somethings got a hold of me

It came over me in a rush

when I realized that i love you so much

that sometimes i cry

but I cant tell you why

why I feel what i feel inside

baby someday ill find a way to say

just what you mean to me

but if that day never comes along

and you dont hear this song

i guess you'll never know

it came over me in a rush

when I realized that i love you so much

that sometimes i cry

but I cant tell you why

why I feel what i feel in

feel what I feel inside

and when i say inside I mean deep

you fill my soul

and thats something I cant explain

its over me

cuz it came over me in a rush

when Ii realized that I love you so much

that sometimes I cry

but I cant tell you why

why I feel what I feel inside

it came over me in a rush

when I realized that i love you so much

that sometimes I cry

but I cant tell you why

why I feel what i feel inside

It came over me in a rush

when I realized that i love you so much

that sometimes i cry

but I cant tell you why

why I feel what i feel inside

4 someone whose been inspiring me a couple night...
don't know what to say to you dear...
Thank you...


Anonymous said...

4 someone whose been inspiring me a couple night...
don't know what to say to you dear...
Thank you...

duuhhh...kok Gua yang jadi GR yak?

**lari ngacir**

Anonymous said...

riaaaaaaaa!!! ini lagu aku buat minggu ini .. haduh2, miriiisss, nyakitin, sedih, macem2 deh rasanya kalo denger lagu ini :((

Anonymous said...

ngomong2 ada empetri nya nggk tu ??

Anonymous said...

yahhh....Ria, masa ngasih komen bukan nya sesuai sama postingan nya :(

Ya udah deh, Gua jawab. Itu rambut aseli, Gua kalo gondrong emang kayak gitu wujudnya.tapi sekarang kan gak gondrong lagi.

Btw, blog lu kasih shoubox dong, biar enak.

ria.patria on 3:55 AM said...

riapatria says back to:

hehe iyah rud kmu bener geer, tuh lg buat seseorang yg secreeettt bgt deh ;p

Medaaaaa!! kog kita lg sama siyyy, ria lg tiap mlm dgerin lgu ituh smbil nangis2 bombay.. huhuhuh.. ;(

ada ad' ria punya kok empetri nya, kmu mauu? ;)

@Rudi lagii..
so sorry ya rud'. ttg sb dolo pake rud' tp skrg dah engga lg, byk yg ngisengin soalnya ;p
biasalah.. fans2 aku ;p hehehe

purwa on 6:12 PM said...

jangan dengerin lagu itu donk, biar ndak tiap malam nangis bombay..... ;)

Anonymous said...

Pagi Ria !!!!
tukeran link ? tentu aja boleh...tuh URL addres lu udah gua pajang di Blog Gua.
Btw, kok bisa orang ngiseingin lewat SB ??

Maya on 7:21 PM said...

jadi ikutan melow neh hehehehe . pa kabar jeng?

Anonymous said...

Wow lagu paporitku waktu jaman SMA. Jadi inget masa2 dulu... Kamu sedang memendam perasaan terhadap seseorang ya?

Anonymous said...

ooo... dipersembahkan untukku y? thanks *kabuuur*

Anonymous said...

wah ga ngerti...

aku taunya ian rush.. pemaen bola yang legendaris itu.. *kagak nyambungggggggg*

pyuriko on 4:33 AM said...

ywIko juga suka banget lagu ini...

Anonymous said...

Riaa kaamu kemaren talipun aku ya, lagi di rumah Meda ya? Sorii ga bisa ikutan lagi di kantor, pas hari Sabtu dunk mainnya, kan rumah meda udah dekt bgt tuh ama rumahku...


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