Monday, July 18, 2005

..about me..

Posted by ria.patria at 9:01 PM
h!... =)

smua di awali dengan senyuman hangat dari gw plus plus salam kenal dari gw..... =)

nama lengkap gw... Maryati Patria Mulyani but' just call me 'Ria..
birthdate.. di jakarta 27 thn yg lalu 21 oktober 1977
where i live... di kota yg so damned crowded Bekasi
do i have a job... YUP!! gw sekretaris di PT.ABDI group di daerah pantai indah kapuk

i like doing many thing, from reading till cooking.....
i do enjoy watch a romantic movie series such a korean or mandarin one,
i have plenty collectionn of my favorite movie at my room....
and of course I DO COLLECT THE ALL SERIES OF "FRIENDS" from the first seasons till the final one....
I think that movie is going to be remember always..... "ga ada matinye tuh film..!!!!

well, i'm the older daughter at my family, i have one younger sister and one younger brother..
for me... my family are such a perfect one... i have a funny dad and a hard mom so... i think thats the perfect ingredient.... ;p
My parents are always give us a freedom to choose our way of life... eventough sometimes it become a little prob for their child... but i always try think positive bout that..

o ya, saat ini gw punya 2 sahabat cewe yg udah 4 tahun ini jalan... 1.endank 2.restu... mereka adalah teman2 gw kemana aja gw jalan dari cuma cari pakaian dlm sampe cari stationary buat office qt selalu jalan bareng... dari nonton film yg sedih2 smp renang dan kelelep bareng.....;)
berhub qt masih jomblo so... qt masih free rame2 utk jalan...
Sumprit!! gw bener2 berharap gw dan mereka bisa still go on forever....
sampe nenek-nenek....

The Last is....
Thanks God that right now i have someone to lean on... someone to share on... someone to understand and guide me....
i have my guardian angel now... even he's quite enough far from me but he always be part in my soul... he ask me to pray together every single night.. he take me to go to see our Jesus everytime we have a little time... he give me something that i never had for almost this 4 years, Ayah Pekik is everything for me now...
i do want to have my future with him...
i felt so comfort and warm next to him...
i become someone else with him, someone's good.. so very good..
Hopefully God gives us way to find our destiny and faith...
our hope is be 'ONE' someday.... in the name of God.... our Jesus... our Savior...

please enjoy my little diary...
hope you guys can be my friends....




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