Tuesday, December 20, 2005

** Special Movie...

Posted by ria.patria at 8:46 PM 3 comments
hmmm.... speaking about movie''''???? it makes me want to share about our special movie...
what i meant is..we do have a few favorite special movie....

..:> our first favorite movie is : --You've got mail--
believe it or not, this was the movie that make us get to know each other...
we both love this movie so much!! and coz of that we meet in a different world and planet...
after that, until now we cross the time together and try to be One forever...
and Oneday finally we are hoping we can be like joe and cathy at that movie which is finally they live happilly ever after... isn't that romantic????
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..The Movie..

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..Joe and Cathy..

..: Our second favorite movie is : --Nothing Hill--
hhmmm... the story of this movie are make us think that nothing is impossible!! everything is possible as long as we believe each other and try to reach our dreams together... even it's only in a movie, but finally we believe that if it's already become our destiny we are going to be One oneday.. do know how it come... we just only can be Pray and really hoping that oneday we're finally have the way to do our dreams together...
just like Michael and Anna at this movie which finally they live happilly after too, eventhough they have a really different condition of their life, but they both can pass away the different...
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..The Movie..

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..Michael and Anna..

well... that's all the story...
so glad to write that..
we really want to have something to be remember to for our special relations...
and those movie are always gonna be our special movie... forever...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"""The Weddin6 Day...

Posted by ria.patria at 9:47 PM 1 comments

suit'.. suit'.. !!!
Pasti loe2 smua kaget dech baca Title Blog gw x ini..??? pastinya pada b'tanya2 kan??

Yang punya acara wedding tuh bkn gw, tp sepu2 gw.. namanya 'Sigit'...
Nah,klu mengenal dia neeh' aga2 unik gtu.. karena sepu2 gw yg 1 ini pnya hub darah saudara yg deket bgt sm gw sekeluarga yg mana Bokap-nya dia adlh 'Kaka' dr Bokap gw and Nyokap-nya dia adlh juga 'Kaka' dr Nyokap gw gtu... jadi.... Duh!! pusing ya..??
hehehe.. gtu dech!! qt sekeluarga emang deket bgt krn mmg qt 1 darah...

Mas ku ini umurnya 29 thn, and cerita maried-nya dia terbilang unik krn di thn ke sekian.. msh ada kata2 'perjodohan'. jadinya istrinya yg skrng ini adlh tetangga smping rmhnya, trus krn ibunya binun dgn anknya yg mash jomblo di umurnya yg kesekian jadilah para ibu 1 dgn ibu yg laen memutuskan u sama2 saling menjodohkan ank2 mreka msing2...
Tadinya mmg mas ku ini ga mau menanggapi permintaan ortu-nya, tp gw sdri ga tau knp? selang bbrp bulan stlah percobaan perjodohan itu kaka gw yg 1 ini akhirnya menyetujui perjodohan yg di minta ortunya ini. Walhasil smua keluarga repot di buatnya.. krn pihak klurga cewe yg mana keturunan chinesse ingin agar acara p'nikahan mrka segera mgkn di laksanakan mengingat ktnya seeh... hr baeknya and hr hokinya mereka u nikah itu bulan November thn ini jg.

Akhirnya.. setelah 3 bulan mereka kenal 1 sama laen, tgl yg di tetapkan adlah 26 November 2005 adlh hari baik u mreka menikah.
Yah... nmnya org jawa.. pasti ada yg pro dan kontra dgn keputusan yg serba dadakan ini...
gw pun termasuk slh 1 org yg krng bgtu sreg dgn hal ini, bkn krn reason yg aneh2 tp cm krn gw pikir mereka blm sama2 kenal lama dan mrk blm tau luar dlm sifat mrka masing2...
kasian mas ku ini.. mgkn dia hnya mo membuat bahagia ortunya sj..

Hari yg di tunggu2 datang.. kami sekeluarga ttp dgn besar hati mendukung acara pernikahan mereka, dari jum'at mlmnya acara midadoreni/kebaktian, sabtu siang kebaktian Peneguhan Pernikahan di Gereja dan sampai Resepsi mlm-nya di Gedung...
Puji Tuhan smua berjalan lancar walaupun dr hr jum'at nya hujan ga mo berhenti.. tp smua acara sukses berjalan...

Walaupun hr itu gw masih dgn radang gw yg parah tp gw ttp seneng liat kaka gw juga seneng..
'Happy wedding Day ya mas... moga Bahagia selalu.. Dan Ini smua adalah Jalan Tuhan.. Rencana Tuhan.. Jalani dgn Besar Hati dan Rasa Syukur...

Ini hasil foto2 gw di acara tsb, dr midadoreni, pemberkatan nikah smp di resepsi...
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..gw,ali ade gw and calon pengantin cewe Ratna di acara midadoreni..

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..gw,ali,titan dan mas sigit di midadoreni..

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gw and nyokap di dpn Gereja tggu Ibadah mulai..

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..Peneguhan Pernikahan..

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..gw,endank dan restu di resepsi..

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..gw dgn keluarga gw lengkap!!..

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..The Happy Couple..

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

..Fl4sH bAck dUlu beNtar Yee...

Posted by ria.patria at 11:12 PM 0 comments
ummh... berhub gw bru bs online so postingan yg bakalan gw ceritain ini adlh kejadian bbrpa wktu yg lalu, thats why title-nya 'flash back dlu.....

okey dehhh... gw mo cerita waktu gw ada acara keluarga which is wedding party-nya Om gw tgl 24 September 2005 kmrn...

sbnrnya seeh ga ada yg spesial di hari itu.. spt biasa nya ajah, klu lg mo ada acara ky bgtu gw pasti dah sibuk cari baju yg cocok dr bbrp mggu sblmnya.
Yg lucu stelah gw dapet baju yg gw rasa nyaman dan comfort buat acara tsb, malah pas tepat sehari sblm hri H-nya badan gw tiba2 kena alergi dan bentol2 yg gw sdri ga jelas sebabnya apa??...
bingung donk gw... mana baju yg bakal gw pake rada2 kebuka lagi... walhasil gw ga mgkn mempertontonkan badan gw yg lg merah2 gatel ga karuan itu khan..
Duh!! pusing 7 keliling gw cari baju ganti buat bsk acara, gw smp curhat sm Ayah gw hrs pke baju apa?? hopeless bgt dech!!
Untungnya sorenya plng kerja gw sempetin ke mal bentar buat beli baju yg rada formal tp ttp berkesan feminim.

Thanks God bgt ada kemeja SIMPLICITY yg sederhana dan okeh bahkan discount pula!!
tanpa pikir panjang, jadilah gw beli bj tsb.. dan yg pasti gw terselamatkan..
Yg pasti siang itu gw jd pake kemeja plus celana panjang hitam, and kakak sepu2 ge sempet tnya gw kok tumben gw pake baju alim?? wktu gw jelasin alasannya knp sambil gw ksh liat bdn gw yg bentol2 merah itu.. dia ketawa/i ngakak... hehehe... hrusnya mo gaya malah jadi alim bgni... dasar nasib.. nasib..

Oh iya!! smp skrg gw msh blm tau knp hari itu gw bs alergi.. krn setau gw, gw ga mkn apa2 and ga maen kemana mana?? jadi....

so.. pastinya mo liat dunx tampang gw ky gmn dgn kemeja rapih??
sssst.... kt Ayah gw ttp cantiek kok!! hehehe.. :D
nah.. ini gw dgn kemeja penyelamat..

Me and my sister Ali..

barengan dgn sepupu gw...

Monday, July 18, 2005

..about me..

Posted by ria.patria at 9:01 PM 0 comments
h!... =)

smua di awali dengan senyuman hangat dari gw plus plus salam kenal dari gw..... =)

nama lengkap gw... Maryati Patria Mulyani but' just call me 'Ria..
birthdate.. di jakarta 27 thn yg lalu 21 oktober 1977
where i live... di kota yg so damned crowded Bekasi
do i have a job... YUP!! gw sekretaris di PT.ABDI group di daerah pantai indah kapuk

i like doing many thing, from reading till cooking.....
i do enjoy watch a romantic movie series such a korean or mandarin one,
i have plenty collectionn of my favorite movie at my room....
and of course I DO COLLECT THE ALL SERIES OF "FRIENDS" from the first seasons till the final one....
I think that movie is going to be remember always..... "ga ada matinye tuh film..!!!!

well, i'm the older daughter at my family, i have one younger sister and one younger brother..
for me... my family are such a perfect one... i have a funny dad and a hard mom so... i think thats the perfect ingredient.... ;p
My parents are always give us a freedom to choose our way of life... eventough sometimes it become a little prob for their child... but i always try think positive bout that..

o ya, saat ini gw punya 2 sahabat cewe yg udah 4 tahun ini jalan... 1.endank 2.restu... mereka adalah teman2 gw kemana aja gw jalan dari cuma cari pakaian dlm sampe cari stationary buat office qt selalu jalan bareng... dari nonton film yg sedih2 smp renang dan kelelep bareng.....;)
berhub qt masih jomblo so... qt masih free rame2 utk jalan...
Sumprit!! gw bener2 berharap gw dan mereka bisa still go on forever....
sampe nenek-nenek....

The Last is....
Thanks God that right now i have someone to lean on... someone to share on... someone to understand and guide me....
i have my guardian angel now... even he's quite enough far from me but he always be part in my soul... he ask me to pray together every single night.. he take me to go to see our Jesus everytime we have a little time... he give me something that i never had for almost this 4 years, Ayah Pekik is everything for me now...
i do want to have my future with him...
i felt so comfort and warm next to him...
i become someone else with him, someone's good.. so very good..
Hopefully God gives us way to find our destiny and faith...
our hope is be 'ONE' someday.... in the name of God.... our Jesus... our Savior...

please enjoy my little diary...
hope you guys can be my friends....


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